Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Week One--Developing and Learning in Adulthood/Rubrics Intro

Let's look at "Developing and Learning in Adulthood" first: I am a great example of this! I am nearly fifty years old, and right now I am probably developing and learning more professionally than I have my entire life! I don't know the exact reason for this, but one thing I can say is that I finally decided to get out of my "comfort zone," take some risks, try to "open some new doors," try to find exactly what it is that I have a passion for in life!

I struggled for so many years trying to figure out who I really am, what God really wanted for me career-wise. I don't know why some people figure it out early in his or her life, and some of us take quite a bit longer. "At the end of the day," as what seems to be the common phrase these days, it doesn't really matter how long it takes to reach your goals, or find out who you really are, it's just that you get there!

As for rubrics, this is "right up my alley!" I am a very structure-oriented person--I love maps and instructions! I like things "spelled out" so it leaves little to the imagination--little room for disagreements or arguments. Above all, it shows that you put extra effort into what you have planned and intend to carry out. I think students are impressed by this and will be more willing to "buy in" to what you have to offer!


Francisco said...

Well, I am impressed. Can you help me, or was it easy? I have been so busy with company, that I haven't done a blog yet. Actually, I haven't even done all of my discussions yet.

Good job.


Anonymous said...

Very well done, Al! Isn't this fun!

Jessie said...

Somehow I don't really see you stopping with a Masters degree by the time you are done Al. You have all the qualities to just keep going! I'm looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.

Greg B said...

Good job, Al

Now I have to go put my pic into my blog.

Doug in NE said...

As always, well done.